The best cleanser for your skin

12 Dec

 cleanser for skinThe skin on our face needs cleaning to stay healthy and radiant. The type of cleaner that selection is important because we must balance cleansing without causing irritation to the skin.

The type of cleaning that your face needs varies depending on:

1 – The skin type: normal, oily, dry, sensitive, acne.

2 – The life style: lots of makeup, active lives without using makeup etc.

3 – Climate: the more heat the skin secretes more oil, less fat dry climates

Presentations Face cleansing

The cleaners can be a cream, gel, soap, oil and even dust.

His presentation is not as important as what are the ingredients. The cleaner must clean and remove makeup without leaving skin feeling tight or dry. Another name for facial cleansing pads.

How to select the best cleaning

  • Oily Skin
  • Try a cleanser for normal skin if you wear makeup or live in dry weather.
  • Try to clean your skin twice a day, morning and night.

Cleansers for oily skin prone to acne

Use a cleanser for skin with acne. Prefer one that contains salicylic acid. But it may contain sulfur, benzoyl peroxide or glycolic acid, salicylic acid instead. Avoid washing your skin more than two or three times daily for unrespectable.

Cleansers for mature skin with acne or dry

Prefer a cleaner with a low concentration of salicylic acid that removes dead skin cells but not cause much irritation to the skin.

Cleansers for normal skin

Use a cleanser for your skin type or for sensitive skin. If you do not sweat during the day only at night to clean with just water and apply cleanser in the morning may be enough.

Cleansers for Sensitive Skin

Use only a cleanser for your skin type because other cleaning detergents may cause irritation.

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