Scabies: Causes, prevention and treatment

27 Mar

ScabiesThe “scab” or “Scabies” is caused by the parasite “Sarcoptes scabiei” and contagious skin disease.

Causes of risk factors

This disease is found in all social sectors and groups of all ages. It is contracted through direct contact with infected skin and less easily when shared clothing or bedding of the person with the parasite. Entire families often become infected with scabies. The Sarcoptes scabiei tunnels into the skin and lays eggs there and these burrows look like a pencil. Born parasite eggs in 21 days of being placed.

It generates the rash is an allergic reaction to the parasite, and is usually spread most often in babies skin causing pimples over the trunk. Also common are blisters on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. When a subject is very small grains usually appear in many parts of the body and head, neck, palms, shoulders, when the child is older the characteristic will bind are the wrists, hands and stomach.

How is it prevented?

Avoid contact with people who have the infection and not sharing clothing or bedding.


  • Strong itching, especially at night
  • Pencil stripes on the skin, very thin
  • Skin damage caused by scrapes


The intent is to remove the infection and there are no effective remedies. This treatment is based on creams and lotions and body wash with current clothing and bedding. It is often necessary to treat the whole family and sexual partners even without having symptoms.

Itching usually persists in the early days of treatment but this development will cease when properly as prescribed.

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