The best tips for applying self-tanner

04 Sep

self tannerMiniskirts, shorts, dresses … begin to appear in your shopping bags and even if your skin is in a position to review at the moment looks as white as snow. Do not procrastinate, get a fake tan and not get bogged down, show you how to use it step by step.

In an hour you can wear a honey-colored skin. Get a good self tanner. There is the face and body but many of them, such as wipes, used for both areas.

To avoid ronchones: The day before, exfoliate your skin with emphasis on rough skin areas (elbows, knees and heels), where the color tends to accumulate.

The day you go to apply: first, do not get moisturizer. At the time of the application, carefully extend it everywhere.

For face: put a little on the hands and apply as a make-up, including neck and outside of the shadows and avoiding the eye area, the entries of the hair and eyebrows.

For the body: it is more convenient to apply directly to the skin and spread, avoiding forearms, palms and soles of the feet. Start with the feet to go up without ruining what have you already applied.

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