Contact eczema

11 Nov

eczemaThe lesions are erythematous plaques with superficial blistering if either acute eczema with erythema and scaling when it comes to chronic injuries. May be caused by allergens (allergic eczema) or by primary irritants (soaps, solvents, etc.).. Often affect the exposed areas (face, hands, and forearms) and the morphology depends on the shape of the object causing the eczema.

The lesions improve / disappear after discontinuation of contact with the allergen (the occupational dermatitis improved at weekends and during holidays). In the allergic type atopy patch tests are positive the causative allergen. In his hands, when the eczema is allergic is affected especially the back, whereas if irritation effect is usually affects predominantly the palms. Regarding what action to take should recommend the patient to avoid contact with the allergen and to use barrier creams or mechanical barriers (gloves).

If the lesions are exudative apply poultices, whereas if they are dry are preferable steroid creams. The patient should be referred to a dermatologist to practice atopy patch tests especially if it is an occupational pathology.

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