Simple tips for healthy facial skin

19 Oct

Maintaining a healthy and fresh skin is not really too difficult. These are mainly to be consistent in some basic steps and simple to maintain nutrition of the skin in optimum condition. Consider these simple tips for healthy facial skin.

Start the day washing the face
Wash your face to get up really is an important habit. Both use a specific facial cleanser or soap, it is important to eliminate toxins and oils that your skin has occurred during the hours of rest, so that the pores are clean and ready to start the day. To avoid dryness, moisturize after cleansing the skin.

Drinking enough water
A key is a lush skin hydration, and really this point can not be overlooked. In the 6-8 large glasses of water a day that we know are necessary, add a bit more in hot weather when the skin perspire a lot and is exposed to the sun. The best times to drink liquids must be in the morning and between meals, and you can switch between fresh water, herbal teas and smoothies during the day.

Take a little sunshine
Getting enough vitamin D intakes is extremely important to the health of our skin, and the best way to get it is in the sun. Always with appropriate precautions, avoid exposure in the hours around noon and using the proper type of protection for every skin type, skin for a healthy and well nourished.

Do not exfoliate more
Exfoliate the skin is important and necessary, but need not overdoing it, not kill cells and oils that allow good skin regeneration. Do not exfoliate more than 1 time per week and always moisturize afterward.

Consumer healthy fatty acids
To keep the skin elastic, it is important to consume adequate levels of Omega 3 and foods that are sources of healthy fatty acids, such as nuts, avocados and coconut oil.

Follow these basic guidelines regularly and consistently and is easy to notice how you keep your skin healthy and smooth.

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