Cold sores: how to try not to appear

23 Nov

prevent Cold soresThose who suffer from oral herpes we are a community apart, and for some illogical reason, we rejoice when we meet someone who also suffers from this annoying virus. Perhaps it is because it is quite irritating to have to answer again and again to the question “What happened to your lip?” Whenever we get a cold, and it is good to find someone who knows what it is and we can vent our herpetic pain.

Oral herpes is here to stay: it is rare that I’ve had it once and never again, because it is a virus (called herpes simplex virus or “HSV”) that remains dormant in the body once you get it. As a result, each time lowering your defenses or certain conditions occur that stimulate their formation, forces: they appear.

Oral herpes and genital herpes are based on different types of the same virus, so they are not the same, though both have the characteristic of being highly contagious. However, and as experienced oral herpes, I confess that never in my years of life I caught one, or know anyone that has spread to another person ever. But prevention is always better to do the test, so I advise you to follow the typical indications of no kissing, no sharing towels or utensils or touching the affected area if you suffer from herpes.

Like I said, herpes are not curable, but you can try to shorten its duration (10-12 days), and there are foods that prevent their formation. These foods are those with high levels of lysine, arginine and low levels. Lysine is an amino acid that discourages the production of arginine, which serves as food for the herpes.

Here we passed a list of foods rich in lysine and low in arginine, to do the test and see if we consume you master even a little annoying to this appellant:

  • Most fruits and vegetables (especially apricot, mango, pear, apple, fig, papaya, beet, tomato, avocado and sprouts).

  • Dairy products.
  • Eggs.
  • Fish, chicken and lamb.
  • Yeast

On the other hand, foods rich in arginine and therefore you should avoid are:

  • Nuts
  • Gelatin
  • Coconut
  • Seeds
  • Oats
  • White flour
  • Cream or peanut butter
  • Beans, soy and tofu
  • Wheat germ

Good luck!

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