Steps for smooth skin

21 Jan

Steps for smooth skinTo have smooth skin throughout the body only needs a few minutes and products.

Remember that the skin protects the outside world and creating this world affects spots, roughness, and sagging.

Care to have a nice, smooth skin

1 – Hot water
Staying warm underwater for long dry your skin. Prefer to use warm water. If you are using hot water bath should be short.

2 – Exfoliation and massage shower
Keeping your skin exfoliated easy, rub the skin with a paste (sponge) or sponge gently. With this we improve your circulation and remove dead cells.

3 – Use moisturizers
When finished showering try to use a body moisturizer. Be sure to apply well in the areas of greatest dryness such as elbows, knees, hands and feet. If you have blemishes or scars at night you can use a cream with alpha hydroxy acid

4 – Exfoliation
If you want a super smooth skin that is the key. It also helps to dispel some blemishes, improves skin crawl and makes you absorb moisturizer better shape.

5 – Body Masks
These can be moisturizing, cleansing, exfoliating and toning. Masks from natural products such as papaya or oatmeal honey let your skin like a baby. They are optional but you can make them for special occasions.

6 – Take care of your skin
If your skin is dry and has reached the point that it hurts you follow these tips is cold dry skin. If the problem continues visit to a dermatologist.

7 – Avoid the sun
Divine but tanning damages the skin. The freckles and spots on the skin are more common where the sun hits as the hands and arms. The sun ages your skin, avoid tan, use sunscreen and avoid the sun at the times more potent.

8 – Water
Although there is no evidence the 8 glasses of water help your skin stay hydrated.

9 – Sleep well
If you live in dry weather before bedtime apply your cream on the body. He also sleeps the hours are necessary because this is reflected in your skin.

10 – Roughness
At night you can put creams or ointments on the dry parts of your skin like heels and elbows. You can apply oil, a vegetable butter, cream or Vaseline body in the morning to feel softer.

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