Egg Mask for dry skin

02 Jul

Dry skin needs a lot of care, but the more natural are best!, So today we bring you a recipe for making your homemade mask for dry skin.

To prepare a good egg mask for dry skin need these ingredients:
A quarter of avocado
One egg yolk
One tablespoon of almond oil (or olive)
A drop of honey

First, beat the egg until it changes color. This, above all, is intended to eliminate the smell it has. Next steps while the avocado in the same container, adding the remaining ingredients one by one, first the oil and then the drop of honey. Mixture vigorously until it forms a smooth paste and smooth. There will be ready for use.

Then apply over clean skin, spreading especially in areas where there is more dryness. Eliminate it simply with a little water at room temperature. You see how good it is for your skin.

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