Five enemies of the face skin (IV)

20 Oct

In our previous article we talked about some internal and external agents which can be extremely harmful to health and beauty of the skin of our face. Among these is one that is as much internal as external, and remove it entirely up to us forever of our environment for our skin look fresh and youthful.

Enemy 4: Smoking

Leaving aside for a moment the issue that most concerns us in this series should be made clear that smoking is not only an enemy of our skin but we also causes many more problems in our health, hurts our heart, respiratory, teeth, etc..

However, in the case of the skin of our face, smoking causes premature wrinkles appear and the skin look faded and worn; it is clear not only in the case that you are an active smoker, but also for those Passive smokers who spend their lives with other people who smoke.

So our advice is doubly now, if you smoke, stop that service as soon as possible, if you do not smoke but you surround yourself with people who do it at least attempts to separate you from the smoke and keep your home safe from the invasion of smokers .

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