Five enemies of the face skin (V)

20 Oct

To end this series in which we have focused particularly on the skin care of our face, which is our letter, we have seen from hygiene techniques to anti-smoking advice. Today you see the last of the evils that can make our skin healthy a calamity in a short time.

Enemy 5: Poor feeding

In some of the previous articles have said that as bad as the enemies are external, such as excessive and unprotected exposure to the sun, there are also equal in magnitude but coming from within ourselves.

These internal enemies depend purely and solely on our self-control, since most only demand a balance on our part. If today we talk about food.

Our nutrition is to mirror our entire body, from the texture achieved and agility, to the quality of our hair and our skin.

To protect your skin you should eat certain types of fats present in foods such as fish or flax, if this type of fat in your diet is missing your skin will become dry, lose color and will look wilted. Another key step to achieve the desired freshness is to discard all junk food.

As you can see is not as difficult as you thought, is just 5 steps you can take without serious inconvenience and will pay off in great results. Try it!

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