Home Remedy for Psoriasis

21 Oct

PsoriasisPsoriasis is a skin ailment, whose cells are multiplied a thousand times faster than they should, cause of flaking of the epidermis. It is customary to occur on the scalp, behind the ears, neck, elbows, knees and nails.

It is characterized by:

Frequent episodes can degeneration and decrease. To alleviate this condition if you try some natural remedies, like this:


1 / 2 liter of water

1 sheet of shredded burdock

1 sprig of nightshade

1 sprig of common nettle

1 handful of yarrow

Peeled 3 sprigs of oak


Put the water on to boil and add all ingredients. Boil for 3 or 4 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand 24 hours. Lotion may be stored in refrigerator six to eight hours.


Apply the lotion with a gauze pad over the treatment area. Then it should let the skin dry, and moisturize alternately with sweet almond oil, petroleum jelly and moisturizer.

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