How to keep your skin clean?

25 Oct

clean skin I advised to wash your face twice a day. At night to remove grease, makeup, dust, pollution and all the impurities deposited on your skin throughout the day. And in the morning to remove grease, sweat and toxins through the pores eliminated last night. To get your skin clean, fresh and bright, you are advised to do the following ritual at home:

Make up with a cream, for being soluble, removes makeup and more fat.

Then wash with a soap product in gel or foam, to remove soluble impurities like dust, pollution, sweat and dead skin cells.

Once or twice a week, take a gentle exfoliation or peeling.

If your skin is more prone to impurities, apply every other day, a purifying mask that prevents you make frequent deep cleanings.

Use a good quality makeup to protect your skin from pollution. Apply powder or blush Evita without foundation before, because they penetrate into your pores and plugged.

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