Homemade Wrinkle Cream

20 Feb

When we take a lot of sun and we hydrated, notice the rough, dry skin. In the face of something similar happening to us but also, and over the years, we noticed the first wrinkles that both frighten women.

However, today there are many wrinkle creams and many other ways to achieve that wrinkles fall behind, though I opted for a natural look, I like to pretend something I’m not.

But hey, it never hurts a little pampering our bodies and so we bring you home wrinkle cream that can be used for what we want, remove wrinkles and also nourish your body a bit.

What we need is half an avocado mash to mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice, a cream and two of carrot juice. Once we get a paste apply it on the wrinkles and leave on for 20 minutes. Then rinse in cold water and go.

This cream can be used several times a week but I think using it two or three times a week will be more than enough for our face.

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