Natural Solutions for your skin

07 Oct

A variety of natural secrets to look young and beautiful skin.

In Summary

The Aloe Vera: Use for burns, insect bites, skin disorders, infections and scalp disorders.
Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid content is very beneficial to fight warts.
Lemon: It is very effective to reduce or clear the skin blemishes.

Our skin requires constant care, both to eliminate moisturize rough spots, bites, allergies and other conditions that tend to alter its softness. Discover secrets here natural skin look young and beautiful.

There are a variety of secrets and treatments that we can use household ingredients to restore its smoothness in no time. These include:

Aloe Vera is a plant with broad leaves and fleshy with a gel containing multiple properties, especially anti-inflammatory and healing. It is convenient to always have aloe leaves clean, inside a jar in the refrigerator. It is used for burns, insect bites, skin disorders, infections and scalp disorders.

Vinegar: Use preferably apple acidity and soothes the sting of burns, fight bacteria and fungi, reduces the effect of mosquito bites and leaves hair shinier.

Ammonia: a single drop applied to insect bites reduces burning. Since not all homes have this product contains its own urine, so it can be a quick and easy solution for pain.

Aspirin, garlic and onion, instant glue

Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid content is very beneficial to fight warts.

Garlic and onions: their acidity very effective in reducing the heat of combat insect bites and warts. They are excellent antiseptics and disinfectants.
Instant glue: Use for minor cuts and wounds or superficial.

Herbs that enhance your skin

Hello Beautiful offers to stay and look better

Toothpaste, green tea, sugar

Toothpaste: is used to combat acne.

Green tea prepared by infusion, reduces rosacea and skin burns. Alkalinity neutralizes the acids that cause pain.

Sugar is a powerful natural antiseptic and healing of wounds. Sucrose acts when “dry” wound, absorbs its fluids and facilitates the healing process.

Baking soda, lemon, egg white

Baking soda: It is very effective in reduce the burning of the mouth ulcers and itching caused by insect venom. Being alkaline, reducing the effect of the acids that cause discomfort.

Lemon: It is very effective to reduce or clear the skin blemishes.

Tips to protect your skin

Egg white, egg albumin rapidly regenerating tissues and prevents the formation of blisters in case of burns of the skin.

Home treatment of common diseases of the skin

Wounds: Apply aloe vera gel or rub with garlic or onion. Make green tea compresses or sprinkle with sugar.

Burns: Apply aloe vera on the wound, preferably cold. Vinegar compresses relieve pain and promote tissue regeneration. Green tea cold compresses relieve the effects of sunburn. The beaten egg white applied over the wound prevents the formation of blisters and reduces burning.

Mouth sores: do swish cold green tea with a teaspoon of baking diluted in half glass of warm water.

Small superficial cuts: Apply instant glue; the wound will stay together for 7 days, within which will already be regenerated skin cells.

Acne: Apply toothpaste and leave on for an hour. The aloe vera gel also helps reduce oiliness.

Insect stings: Remove the stinger and apply aloe vera gel or a drop of ammonia. Urine also contains this substance and can be an emergency solution. Bicarbonate diluted in water is also very effective as it reduces the acidity of the venom.

Warts: rub a clove of garlic on the wart, or apply a paste made of crushed aspirin and water.

Eczema: the daily intake of green tea improves the inflammation and itching caused by eczema. Its high levels of antioxidants are anti-inflammatory and antiallergic.

Rosacea and psoriasis: the aloe vera gel soothes the itching, burning and injuries.

Alopecia and dryness of the scalp massage with aloe vera gel nourish hair bulb, stimulate or slow down hair loss.

Fungi can be controlled using apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball and leaving work for a few minutes.

Dull or oily hair and lice, is greatly enhanced if rinsed after washing with a half cup wine vinegar or apple juice diluted in water.

Yellow or stained nails: 5 minutes should be immersed in lemon juice and then another 5 minutes in milk.

Yellow teeth, can be brushed with common toothpaste mixed with half teaspoon of baking. Its abrasive action removes the plaque, but should be used sparingly so as not to erode the teeth.

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