Junk food accelerates aging

01 Nov

risk factor for obesityWe all know the consequences of excessive consumption of fast food. We know it is a risk factor for obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease. If it seemed to us recently, the news is that it has discovered a more negative effect to add to the list of dangers associated with junk food: premature aging.

As shown by studies at the School of Dental Medicine, Harvard University, the Trans fatty foods, like hamburgers and fries, accelerate the aging process in the body and reduce life expectancy. This is due to the presence of phosphate, a component that many restaurants use to conserve and enhance the flavor of these foods, the effects of which are toxic to the body if consumed regularly.

The scientists observed in their experiments with mice, those infected with high levels of phosphates have a 25% increased risk of reduced life expectancy. Given these results, recommend avoiding this component in our meals.

If you are someone who likes to eat at McDonald’s or Burger King every now and not have to worry too much, because if the phosphates are consumed in small amounts, can be easily removed from the body. However, the situation for those who come often junk food: phosphates accumulate in the body and are slowly causing the deterioration of our health.

This study further sign of warning lights for all to become aware and manage to reduce the consumption of junk food. If you adopt a healthy diet, live longer and better!

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