Activities that benefit the skin

09 Dec

skincareBesides creams and treatments our skin benefits from many routine activities as well as being good for the skin are pleasurable.

These activities that benefit the skin are:

Breathing fresh air
Environmental pollution is harmful to the skin because it is harmful to health, húyele smokers and places of contamination.

Filling the deep breathing helps to relax lung capacity and oxygen filled blood which helps the regeneration process of the skin.

At the end eliminate toxins. Take a deep breath every time you remember and feel the air filling your lungs and your blood is cleaned, then removing all the air expires.

Good humor
Help because it relaxes and makes hormones to swing. A good laugh makes the hormones that make us feel good to come out and the whole body benefits.

Helps balance hormones and promotes the general welfare of the body.

Sleeping well and enough time is needed to renew the skin. Just look out your skin looks like after a sleepless night to see the benefits of sleep on the skin.

Sport and physical activity
This causes the body to eliminate stress, helps balance hormones and activates hormones that help the regeneration mechanisms of the skin is activated.

Eating fruits
Fruits contain many nutrients that are necessary for healthy skin. Also help us to contain our desire to eat desserts or cookies loaded with sugar and white flour that are harmful to health.

As do dogs and cats. It’s a very enjoyable activity that helps you relax. Stress is one of the enemies of the skin, any activity that relaxes you will help keep skin healthy and beautiful.

For this reason, activities like yoga, Pilates or dance are recommended. But not necessarily need to do these activities alone is lifted stretch your arms up reaching for the sky several times a day.

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