Swan-Neck: How to Keep Skin Young?

02 Nov

NeckSave face in an age of prosperity for plastic surgery has become much easier than before. But on the neck did not say: she, like hands, gives the female secret. Skin elasticity is lost because platysma muscle – consists of thin fibers that can not train, inflate and develop. However, not all hopeless: it is quite realistic to maintain the tone of the skin itself, rather than muscle. As noted by specialist the first signs of wilt appear in 25-30 years. Of course, at this age they are hardly noticeable, but you do remember: forewarned is forearmed.

At detecting of the causes

If you are addicted to diet and exposed to the organism peculiar roller coaster ride – then grew thin, then be prepared for the fact that a thin leather neck will not tell you thank you. However, wrinkles arise not only due to our fault: for example, incorrect bite too may eventually contribute to a loss of tone. And bad posture plays against us – constantly being in the question mark, we provoke the formation of double chins and folds in the neck. But the most profound effect is, as usual and environmental factors: sun, cold, wind and temperature changes. The researchers note that the residents of the middle band of the case with the elasticity of the skin are better than those who live in the north and south.


Consider the most basic measures that can be taken without delay to the back burner.

First, you should not sleep on a high pillow, or better, if it is not at all. Keep the neck closed, too bad: if the wrinkles have appeared, do not cover their handkerchiefs, scarves and high-necked dress, from that leather is dried and further loses tone.

Secondly, taking a shower, always massage the neck and low-cut with a sufficiently strong jet of water, and then cheer up a cold shower.

SPA for the neck and low-cut: recommendations

Not be used for these zones and never use the same cream on face. If the facial skin is oily, the more so do not be such a temptation: Cream for oily skin even more dry and so the dry skin of the neck. Many brands now come to our aid, and create special funds for these areas. We advise them not to neglect, as is usually attached to creams manual massage and practical advice on care.

Practice moisturizer home treatment:

Oatmeal mask: Make oatmeal into flour using a blender; add a little milk or cream and half a teaspoon of oil – olive, apricot or almond. Apply the mixture on the neck and low-cut, wrap the foil and a towel and soak 20 minutes – meals provided.

Protein mask:
Slightly beat egg white (you can add a drop of honey) and applied to the skin in a number of approaches with an interval of 3-5 minutes. Wait until dry up the last layer, and gently rinse with water. At the same time hand movements should only go up. This mask is good before going out into the light, because the effect of it is noticeable immediately.

Salon treatment: If you do not believe in the miraculous grandma recipes, try to care, which offer a cosmetologist. Among them, Mesotherapy – the introduction of cocktails of drugs that include antioxidants, vitamins A and E and minerals, and Bio-revitalization – courses of 3-5 injections of Hyaluronic acids.

Fitness for the neck

Brigitte Bardot (former fashion model, actress and singer) would say when I was a bit younger: “I kept the neck, because all the time staring at the stars.” Like it or not, but exercise can actually help improve skin elasticity. Give those 5-7 minutes each day, and look in the mirror 10 years from now, you will not regret the lost time.

Standing straight, perform a circular rotation of the head clockwise and then in the opposite direction. The chin should touch the chest and neck – the back. Repeat of 7-10 times in each direction.

Hold down the pencil in his mouth and stretching his neck, discharge it in the air, any word. For example your name and address.

Lean his chin on his hand and try to put him down, while resisting hand. Perform each exercise for 1-2 minutes.

Place the palm of his left hand on his left cheek. Turn the head to the left to resist the hand. Make 6-7 times for each side.


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