Rejuvenating Oat Mask

26 Jun

Oats are rich in minerals and phosphorus, so is suitable for weak people, especially those who are deficient in calcium. This cereal, rich in fiber, acts as an accelerator of the thyroid gland functions, stimulating metabolism.

It is also very beneficial for the skin. Why facial masks have shown oat moisturizing and rejuvenating virtues.


Mix a light or an egg yolk, 1 cup of strained lemon juice and a few tablespoons of rolled oats or oatmeal ground.

Once the mixture, spread with it your face and neck, which must first be thoroughly cleaned. When the pasta is completely dry, rinse with warm water, then go for a second rinse with warm water and finish with cold water, which constricts the pores.

This recipe for an oatmeal mask will help return the brightness to your skin, feel smooth, hydrated, rejuvenated me more important.

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