Rejuvenating Mask Cranberry

29 Jan

Rejuvenating MaskObviously, you do not wait until we accumulate the signs of aging, to pamper ourselves with this wonderful Cranberry Rejuvenating Mask.

Especially if cosmetics are somewhat aggressive against first wrinkles, crow’s feet, sagging and so on. Right?

On the contrary, this natural mask is so delicate that even recommended to reduce the bags and wrinkles around the eyes.

And what about the blueberries! A Futo, whose multiple antioxidant properties, are excellent for the skin and cellulite. What more!

Then Cranberry Rejuvenating Mask:


  • 1 handful of blueberries
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp oats

Preparation and use:

While blueberries are cleaned, put all ingredients in blender and blend until a smooth paste.
Put this mask on clean skin and leave it for 15 minutes.
Finally, rinse with warm water.

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