Did the winter? Beauty Tips for a luminous body

23 Aug

winter Our skin adapts to the changes, as long as the care lavished appropriate and necessary. In winter, the cold wind is responsible for subtracting moisture and even our hair and nails “suffer” with this decrease in temperature in the room.

I have found that when the thermometers drop significantly, then it is time to take special care of beauty, if we want our image is always spotless and not get any more serious problem with the spring:

Lips moist
The parched lips become my main problem when winter comes. How do I fix? As always carrying in the pocket a colorless and moisturizing bar that also gives me a very natural glow. In a cold and windy weather is likely to appear some cracks near the corners of the mouth. These minor infections should be treated with specific creams and during treatment it is best not to use lipstick and replace it with Vaseline to shine lips.

Extra Moisturizing
No scaly skin and lifeless in winter!, Throw off laziness and manage to leave the bathroom extra hydration, warming body lotion. Put some in the palm of your hand and puts the other over for a minute, then apply it. The feeling will be more pleasant and will be absorbed into the skin better.

Color, light!
If you’re a natural blonde, winter and can irritate your face turn red from the cold. To prevent this apply a cool cloth on the cheek when you get home, this prevents the blood vessels to dilate for radical change in temperature.
Women with dark skin tend to have skin ash with the arrival of winter. This result from the accumulation of dry skin and restore its radiance must use a natural bristle brush for gentle exfoliating massage before showering. After the bath it is advisable to choose a cream or lotion that contains glycerin, it attracts and retains moisture in the skin.

Grains? Forget them!
Usually appear on the back of arms and legs when the dead cells accumulate around a follicle. Increase in winter when the body is wrapped in several layers of clothing.
Avoid them by exfoliating the skin each time you take a bath (either shower or bath), for it uses a special sponge and cream exfoliating and moisturizing your skin to end with a specific product. In two weeks, those unsightly pimples start to disappear.

Divine Nails
Know that the nail growth slows during the winter. To grow faster and thus do not stop a long manicured look, be sure to take supplements of Omega 3 , you can get at health food stores.
To strengthen your nails dry flakes are lifted, please try this trick home I was advised some time ago and that works well: put your hands in warm milk, dry them gently and then moisturize with a good nail strengthener.

And while waiting the arrival of good weather, pamper your skin to start the spring and summer look good. Do you have a tip to protect your skin? Share it with our community! Meanwhile, we leave you with a very interesting video on how to protect your skin in winter, thanks to Dr. Laffargue.

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