The symptoms of the furuncle

04 Dec

symptoms of the furuncle Present time ago, in here, what are boils. This very common skin infection but, by common, it is still very upset.

But … what are the symptoms of boils generated? Well, that’s just today’s topic:

The first symptom that boils is injuries.

This includes:

cutaneous nodules (small, red, firm and tender) at the beginning of the disease.

And fluctuating nodules, and when the disease progresses.

These usually are very sensitive, with pain ranging from mild to moderate single or multiple and usually the size of a pea, but can occasionally reach the size of a ping-pong ball.

As the disease progresses, there is inflammation, pink or red coloration, which can grow rapidly and develop white or yellow centers (pustules). Now when the boil is advanced, there may be skin redness or inflammation around the boil

Boils may ooze or crust, can remain grouped in one place or spread to other areas of the skin and the pain increases as pus and dead tissue fills the affected area. Thus, as the area drains, the pain starts to diminish, as the area drains.

Sometimes, in addition to the above symptoms, other symptoms occur but very uncommon. For example, fever and malaise.

And … according to these symptoms, what do you think? Do you have a boil? If you sense that if it is best that the final decision is taken by the doctor.

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