How to treat folliculitis

20 Mar

folliculitisThese conditions are common in all ages and more frequent with the shaving of the armpits, pubic mound and legs, or the wearing tight clothing that does not allow passage of air. Folliculitis (surface) or furunculosis (deep) is presented in the form of pustules, sometimes associated with local irritation. Treatment is varied, here are some solutions.


  • In folliculitis treatment of choice is mupirocin ointment, 2 daily applications.
  • In furunculosis are usually necessary and sufficient incision and drainage, unless there is cellulitis around.
  • If fever or toxic shock syndrome should be considered the use of intravenous antibiotics.
  • If the area is large, will benefit from systemic treatment with dicloxacillin or cephalexin 500 mg four times a day.
  • Some patients require longer treatment for several weeks.
  • Once the lesions disappear, some people need a daily dose of cephalexin or dicloxacillin prophylaxis for several months.
  • Furunculosis tub does not need further treatment, except to avoid the bathtub for two weeks and disinfect it with chlorine to prevent recurrences.
  • For the prevention of recurrences in people who tend to develop, it is prudent to daily mupirocin.
  • You may also be useful shower 2 times a day with medicated soap containing povidone-iodine.
  • To read more articles like how to treat folliculitis, we recommend you enter our category of skin care.


  • Mupirocin ointment
  • Antibiotics

Treatment should be directed and monitored by a doctor

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