Basic tips to protect your skin

04 Nov

protect skinAll women can be beautiful, just that some are much more than others strive to achieve it!

Here are some basic tips to keep in mind to care for and pamper our skin.
It is very important to cleanse your skin daily. No matter if you have makeup or not, is a step that you can skip it, and should be daily.

Use the right moisturizer for your skin. This along with the cleaning is two essential pillars.

Reinforce the daily hygiene with a good exfoliation if possible twice a week.

If your skin is sensitive you should avoid products that can cause increased sensitivity or redness and perhaps rash.

During the day you choose products with sunscreen. Products containing alcohol or perfumes should try to avoid them. For the evening you should opt for products containing AHAS (alpha hydroxy acids), is to help sweep away dead cells, leaving your skin more fresh, soft and bright.


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