I did not know about aging

01 Nov

antiaging Does stress cause graying? Are more expensive antiaging creams are best? Should we sleep on their backs to avoid wrinkles on your face? These and many more questions abound regarding the process of aging.

Like I always say in here, the passage of time can not be stopped but slow. Get ready to face knowing what to tell you continuation it may be that there are many things you did not know about aging.

Drink 8 cups or 2 liters of water a day keeps the skin young. Water is essential for hydration of the body, and thus to achieve a more youthful appearance, although the amount varies from person to person. Also influence by diet, exercise, perspiration and weather. One indicator that we are well hydro is that the urine is pale.

The use of goggles is essential to prevent crow’s feet. The crow’s feet are those wrinkles and fine lines that form around the eyes. To prevent them, must come out with sunglasses, visit your eye doctor regularly, avoid reading in dark rooms and avoid rubbing your eyes all the time.

Repetitive facial movements and high-impact exercise can cause premature expression lines, as the collagen in the skin wears. Exercise is essential to prevent aging, but try to combine high-impact activities with low-impact.
To keep the skin young, we should sleep on their backs. When we sleep our face pressed face down against the pillow constantly. This can cause lines and wrinkles in the cheeks, chin and forehead.

Sexual desire does not diminish with age, ie, the passage of time does not necessarily lead to sexual problems. Sexual health is related to the physical, mental and emotional person beyond his age.

To prevent memory loss due to aging, physical activity practice. Consider the brain as a muscle you should exercise to make it stronger and healthier. In one study, women over 85 years practicing 4 hours of exercise per week were almost 90% less likely to develop cognitive impairment than inactive women.

Stress does not cause graying. While accelerated aging, there is no evidence that the gray arise from stress. The main factor is hereditary.

Not always more expensive antiaging creams are the best. In fact, they are all similar regardless of the price. The most important thing is consistency in the use, ingredients and product formulation. A best trick? Daily moisturizer, sunscreen and hat.

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